Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oh dear, I've just seen the date on that last blog post - June 16!!! That's quite awhile ago, I think I may be overdue an update!

I'm back on the south side of the equator again, came back a week ago, after 3 1/2 months in Canada. That was a long time to be away, maybe too long. But it was time for me to be there, with my family. As I try to look back at those months now, so many assorted memories are there, so many occasions. Some sad, many happy. I was there for 2 funerals, I said goodbye to my sister-in-law Heather, which is why I went home, and also to my friend John, an unexpected loss. But I was there for some celebrations too, I got to go to 2 weddings, and I was delighted to be there for my grandaughter's first birthday, and make a cake for her. Also got to celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday. And there were so many other wonderful occasions with the family and friends. They were months of a LOT of eating - catching up on food that I miss when I'm here. But that means I have returned with a slight problem, I returned with a few extra pounds, on my person, not in my luggage! All due to a lot of great meals and the use of a car. However, the Ecuadorians don't see this as a problem, they keep saying - Oh you're fatter - you look so nice!!! This is a great culture!

I was able to do a little bit of travelling while I was back, to Muskoka for a weekend, then on to Quebec in the Laurentians to a cottage where some childhood summers were spent. Great times of catching up with friends and relatives. A weekend at my brother's cottage, where we relaxed and watched him work! And 2 days with my sister and daughter at the shores of Lake Huron, where I'd never been before. I can't imagine how I've missed that, it's so beautiful and so unexpected somehow, and so close to home. And above all, I got to spend a lot of time with Elizabeth, my best beautiful grandaughter, and get to know her, and see her start walking and talking. I could take up a great deal of space here, going on and on about how she's the most amazing grandchild ever....but I'll spare you that! But am I ever missing that child already!

And now I'm trying to readjust to life here. It is good to be back, it's been SO good to see my friends, and I've been well hugged and welcomed back to Ecuador. But it is an adjustment, I was in Canada long enough to get used to the ease of life there again. Now I'm back to noise and dirt, and no car (that will get rid of those pounds, I hope). Long lines to do everything. Not being able to understand half of what is being said, or to make myself understood at times. Being without running water (it went off yesterday and has just come back after more than 24 hours). And other minor inconveniences. But probably the hardest has been the return to an empty house, and feeling such a distance between me and the family. But I'm thankful for the technology that we have now, and this "aloneness" causes me to turn to my Father in heaven, who will fill those empty spots better than anyone.

There is work to be done, I've been visiting my patients one by one, catching up, and having new issues to deal with. And I'm realizing once more how inadequate I am for this job, on my own, but remembering that the ability to do this work comes from outside of me, the guidance and help I need every day comes from above. I could not be here doing this without my God.