Sunday, May 25, 2008

lots to think about today!

Well, this day has been a long one. I had a text message at 3:30 this morning to say that Jen, my daughter-in-law, had finally gone into labour, more than a week past the due date! And now, many hours later, I still can't quite yet say that I'm a grandma. It's getting closer, but I'm not there yet!
So in the meantime, while I wait, along with everyone else who is part of this family, I've had to try to keep busy.
I went to church in block 10 this morning, and had been asked to visit a man with Parkinson's, so after church I went to see him. I took Janna to help with the Spanish, because mine is still not up to snuff (will it ever be, I wonder?). And oh, it was a heartbreaking visit. I wept when I left. This is a 54 year old man, diagnosed 15 years ago with Parkinson's, a progressive disease. It's an unhappy diagnosis for a young person in Canada, where the healthcare is good, with access to good doctors, and medications, and help at home if you need it. But to have to live with this disease here, living in block 10 in Bastion, such a poor community.........if you have no money, then you just don't go to the doctor. And if you run out of medication and there's no money, you just do without.
It was a little work to get the story straight, it sounded as though he had maybe had a bit of a stroke some months ago, he some sort of episode, and was in the hospital, but no tests, NONE, were done at the time, so who knows. Some Cuban doctor says he needs to have surgery, but nobody is clear as to what it's for, and they've told her (the man's wife) it will cost thousands! And to come back when they have the money!! They don't even have the money for a basic consultation with a doctor. He hasn't had a review in over 6 months - no money. When I arrived, he seemed not too bad, but in the space of 10 minutes, the morning med wore off, and it was awful to see. Shaking out of control, his little wife having to half carry him around the house, his young son exercising his arms up and down, because he feels as though they "go to sleep". No speech. And the next dose not due until evening.
Can I do anything to help - I don't know. That was partly the cause of my tears after I left, I feel so helpless in the face of that. What I can do is make sure he has the meds he needs and try to find him a good neurologist, and be sure he is seen regularly, and the meds adjusted when they need to be. And I'll start reading up on Parkinson's and meds, so that I have some knowledge when we see a doctor. And above all, I can pray.

1 comment:

Tim Horne said...

I felt much the same with him Heather. He really needs Christ. It is sad to see how his illness effects the whole family but God has worked in all of them- Gabriel was baptized this March wasn't he? He is such a nice kid. Those are the lessons we learn from time to time, just how small we really are. We are powerless were it not for prayer. I will continue praying for that man's salvation- his biggest need.